Here’s a great short animated film called “Miss Puff’s Goldfish Bowl” by Beijing-based director Skin 3 (皮三) and his team at Hutoon Studio. The melding of animation with real scenery and people is great — somewhat reminiscent to Linklater‘s “A Scanner Darkly” and “Waking Life”, though in this the protagonist and major characters are all fully animated.
Neocha EDGE explains the film as follows: “The film explores the feelings a young woman has toward relationships and romance. The main character, Miss Puff, idealizes true love as everlasting and never-changing; a perspective that creates expectations she finds impossible to fulfill as she is torn between feelings of freedom and possession.”
The dialog is all subtitled, have a look:
Have you been following the Series, I’ve watched the first episdode “Miss Puff’s Hourglass” and was wondering if you had a lead on the rest of the episodes and english translations would be great!