According to the Shenzhen Daily, several foreigners have been arrested at English training centres on suspicion of working illegally in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen.

The bureau did not reveal how many foreigners had been arrested or give further details as investigations into the cases are still continuing.
At present, there are about 13,000 foreign residents living in Nanshan District, accounting for 42 percent of the expatriate population in the city.
According to the Shenzhen Administration of Foreign Experts, about 11,000 foreigners with valid work permits were employed in Shenzhen last year, accounting for about 60 percent of the city’s foreign-worker population.
The administration said that tutoring centers must be qualified to recruit and hire foreigners as teachers, and that only 100 such organizations in the city are qualified.
Foreigners in China must have relevant certificates in order to take up teaching jobs, including a valid work visa issued by the administration. Some teaching positions also require professional certification, such as the internationally acknowledged TEFL and TESOL certificates. [source]
h/t The Nanfang
So you don’t require a bachelors degree then to teach in China according to this article. . just some people need a TESOL certificate. .which anyone can get in a week.
The foreign expert certificate requires a bachelor’s. This is a requirement to get a residence permit, which is a requirement to have a job.
How those white trash taken’ yet another beer — on a break from their jobs “teaching English” — must be sweating now.
There are dozens of them in Shekou hangin’ out at “Chills”, many over fifty and, native English aside, utterly unemployable anywhere else.
Ah, those were the days, gents.
Time to go home.
Another Qingdao, anyone?
Seems that China doesn’t want foreigners chilling out anymore, the new visa regulations seem to indicate that much. I have some friends who don’t teach English but are still coming under hardcore scrutiny from the authorities.
Almost 1,500 foreign teachers have been arrested detained, fined, forced to write apologies and deported with 3-5 year reentry bans. They are getting super serious about this visa stuff.
So how do you report a school anyway?
Anyone know how to report an x-coworker who is photo shopping my University of Washington degree online for more than 1000 RMB each & my TESOL? He owes me money & stole my USB to get these. He bragged about doing this with someone elses TESOL, so when my USB went missing for two weeks, only threatening to involve police got it back to me in 12 hours. He has no college experience, not even high school diploma, got kicked out of the US ARMY, no work permit, tattoos head to toe. If he did not owe me money, I’d let it go, but he has money and refuses to pay it back. I need some leverage or this pro conartist will rip off other kind Christian girls. Anybody have some useful website? Thank you in advance.
I have a feeling you gave him the copies voluntarily in hope to “split the cash”, but he never gave you your cut, now he owes you money.